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AI Podcast: AI and Data Security

26 March 2024

In the third and final podcast in our ‘AI Podcast’ trilogy, Lucy Densham Brown and Rebecca Dowle, members of the data protection team, will be discussing how to use AI to process data safely. They will be looking closely at the risks for businesses and the types of data security protections you can put in place.

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UK Sponsor Licence: Immigration Advice for UK Businesses

07 March 2023

In this podcast Rebecca Hone and Monica Mastropasqua members of the immigration team at Clarkslegal discuss how to apply for a sponsor licence so you can sponsor foreign workers to come and work in the UK.

TUPE Podcast Series: Service Provision Changes – Same Client and Fundamentally the Same Activities

01 March 2023

In this podcast, Caroline Lendrum will be focussing  on service provision changes and, in particular, the requirement to have the same client pre and post-transfer and the requirement for activities to remain fundamentally the same pre and post-transfer.

Redundancy and settlement agreements – What you need to know

06 February 2023

In this podcast Ciara Duggan and Sana Nahas members of the employment team at Clarkslegal will guide you through the tricky topic of redundancy and settlement agreements, covering what redundancy means for both employers and employees, as well as how settlement agreements work in practise.

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