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AI Podcast: AI and Data Security

26 March 2024

In the third and final podcast in our ‘AI Podcast’ trilogy, Lucy Densham Brown and Rebecca Dowle, members of the data protection team, will be discussing how to use AI to process data safely. They will be looking closely at the risks for businesses and the types of data security protections you can put in place.

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  • 08 September 2017
  • Litigation and dispute resolution

Victim of fraud? How to identify the perpetrator

Every day companies and individuals lose money to fraudsters, who hack into email accounts and alter emails sent from companies to their customers, or send sophisticated phishing emails from fake domain names designed to dupe customers into believing they are from a trusted supplier.

  • 07 September 2017
  • Brexit

Leaked document on Post Brexit Immigration

The Guardian has obtained a copy of a leaked document setting out the government’s proposals on post-Brexit immigration.

  • 05 September 2017
  • Construction

How to avoid construction payment disputes

Payment disputes continue to be one of the most common problems in the construction industry, and we have published numerous articles on the key court decisions that affect the interpretation of payment provisions

  • 05 September 2017
  • Construction

Payment in Construction Contracts – What’s new?

Payment provisions are an industry “hot topic” and the wave of litigation since the 2009 amendments to the Construction Act remains relevant. If you would like a reminder of the principles to follow when applying for or making payment, then see our previous articles here and here.

  • 04 September 2017
  • Employment

Tribunal fees: should you prepare for a deluge of claims and what happens next?

It has been a tumultuous few years for the Conservative party and the recent Supreme Court ruling has added to the party’s list of woes. The government will now have to repay £32m to parties following the Court’s unanimous decision that the tribunal fee regime was unlawful.

  • 31 August 2017
  • Corporate and M&A

Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance

We are often asked by directors (both exec and non-exec) of clients about whether their company should have D & O liability insurance in place, and what it does and does not cover.