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AI Podcast: AI and Data Security

26 March 2024

In the third and final podcast in our ‘AI Podcast’ trilogy, Lucy Densham Brown and Rebecca Dowle, members of the data protection team, will be discussing how to use AI to process data safely. They will be looking closely at the risks for businesses and the types of data security protections you can put in place.

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How to create happiness in the workplace

24 September 2021

We spend approximately 90,000 hours of our lives at work. The only thing we spend more time doing than working, is sleeping.

Immigration: Skilled workers shortage

14 September 2021

The UK economy is recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions of the last 18 months, the number of job vacancies are reaching record highs.

Furlough & Redundancies: What employers need to know

08 September 2021

Speculators predicted a surge in redundancies this autumn as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme comes to an end on the 30th September. However, this surge doesn’t appear to be forthcoming.

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