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AI Podcast: AI and Data Security

26 March 2024

In the third and final podcast in our ‘AI Podcast’ trilogy, Lucy Densham Brown and Rebecca Dowle, members of the data protection team, will be discussing how to use AI to process data safely. They will be looking closely at the risks for businesses and the types of data security protections you can put in place.

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Workplace health and wellbeing: Portugal’s ‘right to rest’ laws

19 November 2021

The pandemic has brought the topic of health and wellbeing to the forefront, not least in the employment sphere.

Flexible Working Post Pandemic

11 November 2021

It’s inevitable that many employers will now find themselves facing an increasing number of flexible working requests from employees who have been able to work remotely from home in recent months and wish to continue to do so in some form.

Mental health in an unequal world

07 October 2021

Sunday 10 October 2021 marks World Mental Health Day, with this year’s official theme announced by the World Federation for Mental Health as “Mental Health in an Unequal World”.

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